
Computer Science


  • Data analytics in protein structures and biological images
  • Algorithms design and big data techniques for bioinformatics problems
  • Machine learning and deep learning techniques for medicine and health
  • Machine Learning and Computational Systems Medicine (ML-CSM) Lab

  • Machine Learning and Computational Systems Medicine (ML-CSM) Lab
Website design. Developing programming and coding technologi

Web Science & Digital Libraries

  • Web archiving
  • Information retrieval
  • Web science
  • Social media analysis
  • Digital preservation
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Scholarly big data
  • Information visualization

  • Web Science and Digital Libraries

  • Lab for Applied Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Systems

  • Neuro Information Retrieval and Data Science

  • Web Science and Digital Libraries

  • Lab for Applied Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Systems

  • Neuro Information Retrieval and Data Science
network engineer working in server room

High Performance Computing

  • Data analytics in protein structures and biological images
  • Algorithms design and big data techniques for bioinformatics problems
  • Machine learning and deep learning techniques for medicine and health

  • High Performance Scientific Computing Team for Efficient Research Simulation

  • Center for Real-time Computing
  • Intel oneAPI Center of Excellence

  • High Performance Scientific Computing Team for Efficient Research Simulation

  • Center for Real-time Computing
  • Intel oneAPI Center of Excellence
Computer Training Lab

Center for Real-time Computing

  • High Performance and Parallel Scientific/Medical Computing for both algorithms and systems with current research activities in:
    • Algorithms: Identify and design examples of reusable and adaptive anisotropic mesh generation kernels, using practical correct-by-construction paradigms and systems to ensure their correct, secure, and scalable implementation
    • Software Systems: Identify and prioritize the best possible practices to support heterogenous processors and new program execution and memory models, focusing on parallel adaptive and irregular applications exascale-era and real-time computing.
  • Machine Learning in Scientific and Medical Image Computing with current research activities in Deep Learning: The objective is to investigate machine learning models and distributed training methods for the implementation of learning frameworks capable to build predictive models in a security- and privacy- aware manner to improve real-time and scalability aspects of the targeted computing systems in the long run.


  • High Performance Scientific Computing Team for Efficient Research Simulation

  • Center for Real-time Computing

  • High Performance Scientific Computing Team for Efficient Research Simulation

  • Center for Real-time Computing
Header image for data science and analytics program

Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics

  • Applied Machine Learning
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Cognitive Computing
  • Data Science
  • Data Mining
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Information Retrieval
  • Accessible Computing (Vikas Ashok)

  • Neuro Information Retrieval and Data Science

  • High Performance Scientific Computing Team for Efficient Research Simulation

  • Lab for Applied Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Systems
  • AI Methods and Applications Group (Yaohang)

  • Web Science and Digital Libraries
  • Machine Learning and Computational Systems Medicine (ML-CSM) Lab

  • Accessible Computing (Vikas Ashok)

  • Neuro Information Retrieval and Data Science

  • High Performance Scientific Computing Team for Efficient Research Simulation

  • Lab for Applied Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Systems
  • AI Methods and Applications Group (Yaohang)

  • Web Science and Digital Libraries
  • Machine Learning and Computational Systems Medicine (ML-CSM) Lab
Cybersecurity Fingerprint Stock


  • Security and Privacy of Internet and Network Systems, Web Security, and Cybercrime
  • Wireless Network, Mobile/Edge Computing, Distributed Systems
  • Hardware Security, Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, Heterogeneous System Architecture
  • AI Security, Privacy-Preserving Data Mining
  • Cloud, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency security
  • Internet of Things security
  • Lab for Secure and Intelligent Computing

  • Lab for Secure and Intelligent Computing

Faculty Research Interests

  • : Computational Geometry with Focus on Mesh Generation, Formal Methods, Parallel Computing
  • : High-Performance Computing, Medical Imaging
  • Vikas Ganjigunte Ashok: Accessible Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing
  • : Network Security, Internet Measurement, Web Security, Cybercrime
  • : Protein Bioinformatics, Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Image Pattern Recognition
  • Yi He: Data Mining, Graph Analytics, Responsible Learning Systems
  • : Data Science, Applied Machine Learning, Eye-Tracking, Neuro-Information Retrieval, Human-Computer Interaction
  • Lusi Li: Data Science, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Wireless Communications
  • : Artificial Intelligence, Computational Biology, Parallel/Distributed/Grid Computing, Big Data Analysis
  • : Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Data Mining
  • : Web Science, Digital Libraries, Digital Preservation, Data Science, Social Media
  • Rui Ning: Cybersecurity, Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI), Privacy-Preserved AI, AI In Cyber-Physical Systems
  • : Cloud Computing / Vehicular Clouds, Vehicular Communications, Stochastic Modeling, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Sensor Networks
  • Desh Ranjan: Bioinformatics, Algorithms, Optimization, Parallel and High-Performance Computing
  • : Machine Learning, Computational Systems Medicine, Data Mining, Medical Informatics, Health Informatics
  • : Web Science, Social Media, Web Archiving, Digital Preservation, Information Visualization
  • : Natural Language Processing and Understanding, Scholarly Big Data, Science of Science, Digital Libraries
  • : High-Performance Computing on Emerging Architectures for Scientific Applications and Large-Scale Data Analytics
  • : High-Performance Computing on Emerging Architectures for Scientific Applications and Large-Scale Data Analytics
  • Sarah Hosni: (Independent Researcher) Brain Data Analysis, Brain-Computer Interface, Neurotechnology for Healthcare, Computational Neuroscience

Undergraduate Research Opportunities