Colloquium Activities

The Computer Science colloquium series brings in researchers and practitioners from around the region, country and the world to speak of topics of interest in Computer Science. Attendance at these colloquia is an important part of a graduate education.

Colloquium Requirements

  • All CS graduate students (MS and PhD) must register for CS 690 Colloquium (1 credit hour course) one time before graduation. Students will receive an automatic P grade for the course.
  • To complete the colloquium requirement, students must attend 10 colloquia during the time they are in the program. (This requirement is listed as "10 Colloquium Attendances Required Complete" or "Departmental Colloquium Requirement" in Degree Works.)
    • Students are encouraged to attend colloquia during all semesters they are in the program. The requirement does not need to be completed only in the semester the student takes CS 690.
  • As a consequence of the previous two bullets, students who receive both a MS and PhD from this department will have taken CS 690 two times and attended at least 20 colloquia.
    • While a MS student, students must take CS 690 and attend 10 colloquia.
    • While a PhD student, students must take CS 690 and attend 10 colloquia.
  • To register attendance at colloquia, students must first .
  • Students are encouraged to attend the talks in person or synchronous online, but students with a full-time work conflict or class meeting during the colloquium may request to review the recording within one week of each event, through the CS Graduate Colloquia course.
  • Right after viewing an event, students must fill out and submit the appropriate form in the CS Graduate Colloquia course.
  • At the end of each semester, the department will review received forms. Students who have completed 10 colloquia will have their Degree Works record updated.