Seminars & Skills Trainings

Everyone Negotiates

We offer negotiation, sales, and communications seminars. All seminars are interactive and usually include games/activities/role-plays.

  • Preparing to negotiate: The most important part of getting what you want from a negotiation is to prepare correctly. Decide when to negotiate versus when to skip. Learn how to build your negotiating power and estimate the other party's power.
  • Negotiating style: This covers the five styles of negotiating, the pros and cons of each, and how to work with each style. This topic helps learners to adopt an effective style for a particular situation and adapt as needed.
  • Distributive negotiations: This covers price negotiations. We will discuss game theory, price setting, deciding which concessions to make and how much to ask for in return, and when to pause or stop negotiations.
  • Multi-party negotiations: This covers how to negotiate on behalf of an organization, how to negotiate with an organizational representative, how to negotiate with multiple organizations simultaneously, and the effect of repeated negotiations.
  • Unbalanced negotiations: This covers how to negotiate with another party who has significantly more bargaining power, is untrustworthy, or will not negotiate in good faith.
  • Building rapport and networking. The objective of this topic is how to create a positive first impression. Participants will learn how to briefly meet someone and have a personable but goal-directed conversation. For example, participants will learn how to meet new people at a conference and how to find and follow up on potential business-connections.
  • Listening, questions, and body language. The objective of this topic is to improve active listening skills. Asking questions and actively listening are key skills for building relationships and satisfying client needs. This topic will cover asking questions, effective listening, and body language related to making clients feel heard and appreciated.
  • Being adaptive. The objective of this short topic is to discuss how to change communication styles based on the client's disposition. Customizing communication style for clients will help for relationship development. This topic will cover matching communication style with client disposition.
  • Communicating online: The objective of this topic is to discuss the complications of using online tools for communications. It will cover the shortcomings of technology and strategies for addressing these shortcomings.
  • Making a persuasive presentation: The objective of this topic is how to make an effective presentation to groups. We will discuss speaking style, effective body language (which extends beyond the lessons from the earlier session on the topic), content, and goals.

Pro-bono Seminars

Shorter seminars for the purpose of bringing skills to individuals in the community. Sessions are usually 45-90 minutes long and always free to participants. We ask partnering organizations to help pay for costs.

Thurmond School of Professional Sales and Negotiations

Organizational Seminars

Customized seminars or workshops for industry professionals designed to fit the needs of the company or organization.