Due dates for all checked-out library materials have been extended to at least 8/31/20, so there is no need to return materials right now. If you live in the area, our preference is that you keep your materials until we reopen and have staff available to handle the returns.

However, if you want to return books and media (NO equipment) borrowed from the University Libraries and/or through Interlibrary Loan, items can be placed in the external book drop on the east wall of Perry Library facing the Gornto and Batten Arts and Letters buildings. Materials checked out from the Art Library and the Diehn Composers Room/Music Library may also be returned at Perry. Books will not be checked in and removed from your account immediately, so please don't worry if there is a delay. Note: None of the Higher Education Centers have external book drops.

Since due dates for all library materials have been extended, you should not have a fine on your account since the campus closure for COVID-19. If you have questions about a fine/fee that was on your account prior to March 1, 2020, please email us at circ1@odu.edu. If you wish to dispute a fine/fee, you can submit an .