This is an exciting learning opportunity for teachers of all core curriculum subjects to receive professional development points as well as practical tips, resources, and ideas for integrating the arts into core curriculum. Sessions are packed with tools for teachers, pre-K to 12th grade, covering all art forms and core curriculum!

Inspiring Teachers Conference
July 21, 2017, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Darden College of Education, Norfolk, VA
To reserve your seat:

Facilitated panel discussions provide opportunities to speak to YAV's professional teaching artists on approaches to blending the arts with core curricula. Break-out sessions include in-depth lecture-demonstrations and movement opportunities to learn and work through an arts-integrated curriculum designed especially for specific grades and subjects.

The keynote speaker, Andrew D. Watson, is a Fine Arts Instructional Specialist for Alexandria City Public Schools. He was the recipient of the 2015 Art Education Technology Outstanding Teacher Award from National Art Education Association (NAEA) and is a leading Arts and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, together with art) educator. Watson previously taught art and design in the Fairfax County Public Schools, where he co-developed the FCPS STEAM Project in over one hundred schools. Currently, he supervises the arts education of over 15,000 students in Northern Virginia.

This Arts Integration and STEAM conference will have you moving, learning and connecting with arts integration professionals and other like-minded teachers interested in integrating the arts into their classrooms. You will leave with practical tips, resources and fresh ideas on how to approach teaching and learning.

Young Audiences Arts for Learning Virginia is the leading provider of quality arts-in-education programming in Virginia. We offer an array of arts performances and workshops grounded in the core curriculum, residencies for children of all ages, and professional development in arts-integration techniques that improve students' literacy skills, motivation to read, and ability to learn.